Compassionate mind and heart

I had the opportunity to study with Chris and Natasha during SD Levels 1 and SDL2 in Ecuador 2007, 2010 and 2013. What comes to mind about Chris was his kindness, joy, ability to teach and learn with students at all levels and patience when…

The great outdoors

Frank Sinatra once said, ”I can’t sing what I don’t feel in my heart.” Chris taught me to feel with my mind. It changed my world. Dear Natasha, may I hold my arms around you, trying to comfort you and just relief your pain for one…


SD training shifted my world more than a dozen years ago. I am forever grateful to Chris, the kind and thoughtful, gentle teacher, who prompted my emergence. Debra Tufts July 31, 2015

Gratitude for Chris

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet Chris (though sadly, only once), at the SD training in Melbourne in August 2013, I quickly felt I ‘knew’ him, better than one usually does after spending only a few days with someone. He struck…

The Beginning of My Own Quest

In 2005 I was fortunate enough to attend the Spiral Dynamics training in the U.K. with Chris and Natasha. For a whole variety of reasons that experience was the catalyst to the next stage of my own personal, professional and social quest. Reflecting…

Heartfelt Passion & Giving

Chris, what a gentleman you were as a person and in how you shared this amazing knowledge of Spiral. Your smile, laugh & wit are a few of the many things that will aways be with me about you. However mainly it was your selfless giving of…

New perspectives, new identites

Carlotta and I had the absolute pleasure of learning from Chris at the SD workshop in Royal Wootton Basset. For a guy who has a plethora of knowledge around Spiral Dynamics and anthropological theories he really doesn't take himself seriously…


Chris... So... you and your exemplar work helped me to open my mind, helped me to EnjoYlifE better, helped me to know myself deeply... let me to understand people, the reasons of their actions... Thanks Chris! You and your crew gave me the…

un tributo a la inmortalidad

Quisiera empezar diciendo que es imposible hablar de Chris, sin hablar de Natascha, por lo tanto mi tributo es para los dos: Los chinos tienen una forma de ver lo trascendente de una manera particular: ellos consideran que en vida se debe…


Dear Chris, meeting you a couple times has ment a lot to me. You showed me a path in my professional life, that i'm still following with dedication. Thank you for being my guide in this. Floor, July, 31, 2015