
Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human Existence
A transcription edited by William R. Lee of Dr. Graves’ 1971 seminar at the Washington School of Psychiatry with original diagrams and descriptions of his foundational research.Also includes an authorized reprint of the classic article, “Levels of Human Existence: An Open System Theory of Values,” from the Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Fall 1970.
Paperback (182 pp, 3rd printing)
$18.95 + Shipping

The Never Ending Quest
Clare W. Graves Explores Human Nature
This essential compilation of Dr. Graves’s writing is edited by Chris Cowan and Natasha Todorovic with the help of William R. Lee and others. Relying on papers, recordings and the text of Dr. Graves’s previously unpublished manuscript, this is as close as we will ever come to the book Dr. Graves intended to write before his health stopped him. Entirely in his own words, Graves describes his research and how he came to his remarkable theory over a period of years. He compares his work to a number of other theoreticians’ and shows how this kind of thinking can be useful from the individual to geopolitical levels.Hardback (570 pp)
$59.95 + Shipping
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Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change
by Don Beck & Christopher Cowan, 1996.
This is the book that popularized the term, “Spiral Dynamics,” and began the interest in applications of Gravesian developmental theory as applied to business, political, and social problems. It is a simplification and application which still provides a good introduction to the work despite some dated references. Published by Blackwell Publishers.Available from Also available in Portuguese from Instituto Piaget and translated into Dutch and Russian.

Two Book Bundle!
The Never Ending Quest: Clare W. Graves Explores Human Nature and Clare W. Graves: Levels of Human
$78.90 + Shipping
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