Thirteen years of pleasant cooperation

I shall remember Chris as an open, friendly and interesting personality who taught us the roots of Graves theory: ‘the Emergent, Cyclical, Double-Helix Model of adult behaviour systems and their development’. Since 2002 we organized with…

A great communicator lost to us

I hadn't seen Chris since December 1998, hadn't had a meaningful dialogue with him since 2009 and no communication at all since December 2012 (exchange of Christmas greetings). So it's a measure of the man that I feel compelled to honour his…

Reflection and Sympathy

I was privileged to know Chris Cowan, as a mentor, instructor and friend for almost twenty years.....I grew with every interaction! My favorite Chis moments, however, were those spent in relaxed conversation, sharing great food, laughs, hugs…

Thank You

Chris thank you for what you have given the world.....I myself have learned so much from you and the discussions of films, Pleasantville and Tsotsi in particular, and will never be the same again. Hay Lam Yau August 2, 2015

The world has lost a great soul

Dear Natasha family and loved ones from Chris. I wish you all the strength and love that I experienced meeting Chris some years ago. His warm hart and compassion for his environment and the world as a whole inspired me. Just a few weeks ago…


Dear Chris, I was expecting to meet you again, ask you questions about SD and grow thanks to your and Natasha's experience. I was expecting to see your smile again in a course... I was expecting our paths were going to meet other times. But…

Such warmth and insight

My memories of Chris are one of being warm, peaceful in relation to others and so passionate about the subject matter of his trainings - his beloved Spiral Dynamics. Thank you Chris for integrating as much of Clare Graves work as you could…

Kind and generous soul

What I will keep in my heart forever is your kindness and generosity. You were an amazing soul, always available and gentle. You were really committed to understand humanity without judgment. I learned a lot from you, but this is what I'll…

Words of condolences and remembrance in Chris’s memory from Ukraine

I extend my deep, sincere condolences to Natasha and all Chris's near ones. Also, that Chris is gone is a tremendous and very sad loss for us all who knew Chris personally and studied under his invaluable expert guidance and generous support.…


Di Chris mi piaceva il modo che aveva di guardare le persone, con gli occhi sorridenti come se stesse sempre cercando di dirti "forza che ce la fai", il suo senso umoristico e la sua innata capacità di inserirsi nel discorso con una battuta…