Both my SD trainings in the Hague had a huge impact on me. Both Natasha and Chris spoke so eloquently on Graves theory and all the other materials old and new. I could see how this would add to my life, and how this could be used as a force for good. Their personal interest […] 06:39:152016-12-20 13:53:28leave people better than you found them
Thank you Chris for caring and sharing your knowledge, leaving a legacy of human understanding beyond the classroom. Rest in peace. Maite Baron, August 10, 2015 12:31:272024-03-30 13:06:30Thank you for your legacy
Chris, You kept your center on humanity’s critical need to understand and appreciate Clare Graves. Without you the message would have been muddled and maybe forgotten. My life would not have been complete without knowing and understanding what you learned and presented. The study of human evolution with its various fits and starts will use […]
I found out about Chris’s passing a few days ago through Dianne Moore. I was devastated, I cried! I found Chris to be such a gentle giant of a man, a man who had a command and understanding of a body of knowledge that you know you are only picking up the broad brush strokes […] 12:27:272016-12-20 13:55:00We have lost a great artist
Goodbye, Chris. It is indeed a great man’s joke to undertake your ‘long journey’ while we were trying to integrate the long and powerful message of which you made yourself the bearer. And what a carrier! I will never forget how amazed I was by your educational model, full of playfulness and intelligence, which had […] 20:34:112024-04-23 13:34:45Au revoir, Chris
Scrivo nella mia lingua perché già così è difficile trovare parole adatte. Conoscerti Chris è stato davvero un piacere ed un onore! Porterò nel cuore il tuo sorriso dolce e a tratti quasi birichino, le musiche scelte per accompagnarci nel viaggio di scoperta delle spirali, la passione profonda e la grande generosità nel condividere il […] 20:32:162025-02-17 15:02:41Quel tuo sorriso
Dear Chris, We met in 2009 at a SDL1&2 training in Melbourne. I had heard about the Spiral Dynamics program and somehow expected to participate in a fascinating learning experience about human nature. I was profoundly impressed by your and Natasha’s depth of understanding and the teaching mastery you both displayed. Everything became an opportunity […] 20:31:182016-12-20 13:54:43You Are Remembered
I have been honored to have met you and to have been your Italian voice… I will always remember your kindness and brilliant mind. My loving thoughts to Natasha in this moment. I hold you both close to my heart. Isabella, August 5, 2015 20:29:002016-12-20 13:50:25From your Italian translator
Quisiera empezar diciendo que es imposible hablar de Chris, sin hablar de Natascha, por lo tanto mi tributo es para los dos: Los chinos tienen una forma de ver lo trascendente de una manera particular: ellos consideran que en vida se debe construir la morada en la cual viviremos cuando no estemos, por lo tanto, […] 15:20:112024-05-17 13:51:56un tributo a la inmortalidad
Grazie Chris. Frequentare i vostri corsi mi ha dato nuovi occhi. Ti sarò per sempre grato di quello che mi hai insegnato. Un profondo abbraccio a Natasha in questo momento difficile. La profondità con la quale mi avete insegnato il vostro sapere è per me fonte di saggezza quotidiana. Chris grazie ancora. È stato un […] 15:19:092016-12-20 13:49:47Grazie Chris
leave people better than you found them
Both my SD trainings in the Hague had a huge impact on me. Both Natasha and Chris spoke so eloquently on Graves theory and all the other materials old and new. I could see how this would add to my life, and how this could be used as a force for good. Their personal interest […]
Thank you for your legacy
Thank you Chris for caring and sharing your knowledge, leaving a legacy of human understanding beyond the classroom. Rest in peace. Maite Baron, August 10, 2015
A truly Worthy LIFE
Chris, You kept your center on humanity’s critical need to understand and appreciate Clare Graves. Without you the message would have been muddled and maybe forgotten. My life would not have been complete without knowing and understanding what you learned and presented. The study of human evolution with its various fits and starts will use […]
We have lost a great artist
I found out about Chris’s passing a few days ago through Dianne Moore. I was devastated, I cried! I found Chris to be such a gentle giant of a man, a man who had a command and understanding of a body of knowledge that you know you are only picking up the broad brush strokes […]
Au revoir, Chris
Goodbye, Chris. It is indeed a great man’s joke to undertake your ‘long journey’ while we were trying to integrate the long and powerful message of which you made yourself the bearer. And what a carrier! I will never forget how amazed I was by your educational model, full of playfulness and intelligence, which had […]
Quel tuo sorriso
Scrivo nella mia lingua perché già così è difficile trovare parole adatte. Conoscerti Chris è stato davvero un piacere ed un onore! Porterò nel cuore il tuo sorriso dolce e a tratti quasi birichino, le musiche scelte per accompagnarci nel viaggio di scoperta delle spirali, la passione profonda e la grande generosità nel condividere il […]
You Are Remembered
Dear Chris, We met in 2009 at a SDL1&2 training in Melbourne. I had heard about the Spiral Dynamics program and somehow expected to participate in a fascinating learning experience about human nature. I was profoundly impressed by your and Natasha’s depth of understanding and the teaching mastery you both displayed. Everything became an opportunity […]
From your Italian translator
I have been honored to have met you and to have been your Italian voice… I will always remember your kindness and brilliant mind. My loving thoughts to Natasha in this moment. I hold you both close to my heart. Isabella, August 5, 2015
un tributo a la inmortalidad
Quisiera empezar diciendo que es imposible hablar de Chris, sin hablar de Natascha, por lo tanto mi tributo es para los dos: Los chinos tienen una forma de ver lo trascendente de una manera particular: ellos consideran que en vida se debe construir la morada en la cual viviremos cuando no estemos, por lo tanto, […]
Grazie Chris
Grazie Chris. Frequentare i vostri corsi mi ha dato nuovi occhi. Ti sarò per sempre grato di quello che mi hai insegnato. Un profondo abbraccio a Natasha in questo momento difficile. La profondità con la quale mi avete insegnato il vostro sapere è per me fonte di saggezza quotidiana. Chris grazie ancora. È stato un […]