I am who I am today because of You
Before I decided to take the SD course my world was crumbling around me. Suddenly I was not able to make my decisions, had a harrowing battle inside of me, tormented with the question what decision should I take that will be the right one for…
Thank you for mindblowing insights
In the late 90-ties I read the Spiral Dynamics book and it blew my mind. In 2004 I attended SD1 & 2 in den Haag with Chris and Natasha and got increasingly intrigued by the knowledge and the point of view offered and by the way they presented…
in Sorrow and Gratitude
I am so sorry to hear that Chris Cowan passed this Summer. I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to have met him and learned from him in person.
John Bentham August 24, 2015
A mixture of knowledge, passion, enthusiasm, irony, sweetness, wisdom and empathy.... I'll work hard to bring these qualities inside me...
a huge to Natasha
Dave, August 27, 2015
Our deepest condolences
We were shocked and so sad to hear the news that Chris had passed away. Please accept our deep and sincere condolences during this difficult time. Chris had a brilliant mind and has left an incredible legacy through his work through all those…
Grata e onorata di aver percorso qualche passo con te
Ciò che facciamo per noi stessi muore con noi. Ciò che facciamo per gli altri e per il mondo rimane ed è immortale.
What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
(Albert Pine)
the world has lost its good person
the world has lost its good person
Gernia August 20, 2015
Thank you for giving direction to my professional life
Dear Chris, when i first met you, it must have been 1994 or 1995, I could never have expected meeting such a generous and great mind. Although we didn't meet the last years i tank you for your inspiration and humorous wisdom. Thank you!
The sum of all his days…
It was a very bright star that faded with Chris’ passing…he will be deeply and sadly missed… and yet will not the essence of his life continue to be present through the legacy of Clare Graves work which Chris also made his own… and what…
Lost love and Important Life Legacy
I remember our wonderful evening at dinner with the whole course with so much fun and laughter.
Chris has left a legacy in caretaking and evolving Clare Graves's work, and a life of worth and value. I remember his chuckling in training as…